
Made to Ascend

Published on: 5/26/2023

One unique aspect of your journey with God is the inner work that he does in all of us.

That is through the Holy Spirit that he gives us after believing in our Lord Jesus Christ.

He will slowly work in us to help us conform to the image of Christ

And this is a two way thing.

We are prone to our fleshly nature, in our disobedience, we can choose not to accept it.

But that means we won’t receive what God has for us because we are simply not ready for it.

So he helps us and guides us to choose the higher path of the Spirit or live in the spirit.

It is through this on-going process, that we start to elevate to live in “true righteousness and holiness”.

Ephesians 4:22-24
Ephesians 4:22-24

Let’s take a look at a few areas.

1. Your past

When God works, he does deep work within you.

Whether that’s generational or multiple years in your past, he will start to work it out so you can elevate to “true righteousness and holiness”.

It could be a past hurt, trauma, sorrow, grief, rejection, failure, unforgiveness, and the list goes on.

All of these things hold you back, because not letting go means we are stuck.

We either need to bring that to our Lord Jesus Christ or he will surface it, and show us so we can start to deal with it.

And of course, he will guide us through it.

This prevents us from being elevated to what God has for us — in our mind, and spirit.

2 Timothy 1:7
2 Timothy 1:7

2. Detachment

Another part of this is detachment from things.

He will make known the areas that we are really attached to that prevents us from the elevation.

It’s not practical to detach from everything, but detaching from things can free us.

When we are attached to things of the flesh, we are unable to live in the spirit or live in “true righteousness and holiness”.

Because the two are against, and in conflict with one another.

And believe me, he will make it known the areas that we need detachment from.

It could be a habit, place, object, person or thing or anything that keeps us in our fleshly nature.

This process may be gradual or it may be sudden.

It is also where our mind slowly becomes renewed and transformed.

Romans 12:2
Romans 12:2
Galatians 5:17
Galatians 5:17
Matthew 6:19-21
Matthew 6:19-21
2 Corinthians 4:18
2 Corinthians 4:18

3. Day-to-day

As you start to “abide in Jesus Christ”, learn the word of God, you’ll naturally start to live it out.

That‘s because it’s the Holy Spirit working within you to help you do that.

The Holy Spirit will put it in our conscience to remind us of the teaching, and the word of God.

Whether that’s forgiveness or helping someone in need or remaining in a good mindset, and everything else.

Is it easy ? not always, but he will always remind us.

And slowly you will start to be elevated so you can live in “true righteousness and holiness”.

John 15:7-8
John 15:7-8
Isaiah 30:21
Isaiah 30:21

And again, all of this work he does within us by the Holy Spirit is to elevate us to what God has for us.

So, we can live in “true righteousness and holiness”.

It will be an on-going process and a personal journey between you and God.

1 Corinthians 15:49
1 Corinthians 15:49

Glory to the Most High